Seeland Cancer Center - Seeland Tumorzentrum - Seeland Centre du cancer - Seeland center oncologique - Seeland Centro tumori - Biel - Bienna - Bienne

As a specialist FMH for internal medicine and medical oncology, as a former chief physician of a larger tumor center, I can point to a wide range of experience.
The tumors of the upper respiratory tract (head and neck including thyroid gland, lung tumors), skin tumors, modern immunotherapies together with hematology form my focus. Breast cancer and rare tumors complete my knowledge.
In the last decade I was able to supervise various projects in the eHealth area and IT. In addition, I have extensive experience with various projects in setting up modern tumor centers (Service Interdisciplinaire de Cancérologie - SIC, CCC Kantonsspital St. Gallen, IGR Paris). In this regard I offer consultancies and the implementation of expert reports.
— Marco Siano -

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PD Dr. Marco Siano had the honor of working from 2009 to 2021 in the European School of Oncology as head of online training. Since 2020 he has been a senior member of the ‘College of ESO’ - ESCO.

The European School of Oncology was founded by Prof. Umberto Veronesi, former Minister of Health of Italy and long-time director of the National Cancer Institute in Milan, and directed until his death. The ESO is currently managed by Prof. Alberto Costa as CEO and Prof. Franco Cavalli as Managing Director.